The HYPE Newsletter | VOL 3 ISSUE 2 - February 2023

News for February. Check out the next blog post, Learn about HuddleUP, Check out your holiday downloads and so much more!

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing

New blog coming February 8th

The importance of diversity, accessibility, and inclusion in the workplace seem like obvious components of a healthy work environment, but beyond HR and some strategic planning, the efforts made may not be seen by those who should be represented.

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Is Your Team Succeeding with a Hybrid Schedule?

Whether you’re in-office or working from home, finding a reliable, hybrid collaboration software platform that works for you is a challenge. With HuddleUP, you have all the tools you need to have better meetings.

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Your April Holiday Downloads

This month is full of great thing to celebrate! Check out downloadable options for Black History Month and Valentine’s Day to use on your digital signage.

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Top 5 Video Conferencing Platforms for 2023

As we continue to move into a normalized hybrid working environment, improvements to early conferencing tools, plus some up-and-coming technology, can change the way we view work, productivity, and collaboration.
See what our top five picks are for virtual conferencing platforms in 2023 and why.

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Simplify Billing

With Hypersign AutoPay, you’ll save an extra 5% on your license subscription renewals when enrolling with a valid credit card.
To sign up for AutoPay, contact us below and we’ll set up your account! Sign up for AutoPay now to avoid future late fees!

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