Using The Account Manager
Account Manager Overview
Access the Account Manager by clicking “Account” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Functions available in the Account Manager:
Hypersign+ Account Information & Editing Primary Contact
Overview of Hypersign+ Licenses
Adding More or Removing Hypersign+ Licenses
Adding Hypersign+ Users
Editing and Managing User Permissions
Limiting Access to Devices/Saved Layouts Based on User Teams (Coming Soon)
Adding and Editing Favorite URLs
How to Limit User Access to Certain Devices And Device Groups By Using Teams
The Teams feature provides the ability to limit which users within your account have the ability to view and access certain devices or device groups within your account.
In the Account Manager, select the “Teams” tab from the menu on the left.
Click the Add button at the top-right of the screen, so the “New User Group” box appears.
Name: Provide your team with a name.
Click Submit.
Continue to the instructions for Manage A Team:
Click Manage next to the Team Name you want to manage:
Users Tab: This is a list of all of the users that are a part of that team.
To add a user to a team:
Click the Add button to the right of Users so the “Add a Team User” box appears.
Select a user’s username from the dropdown and click Add to add them to this team.
Select and add as many users to the team that you want, users can be a part of multiple teams.
When you are done adding users, click Done.
To remove a user from a team:
Click the Delete button to the right of the username of the user you want to remove.
Note: You can delete and re-add a user to a team as many times as you want if you accidentally delete a team member you did not mean to.
Devices Tab: This is a list of all of the devices that are visible to that team.
To add a device to a team:
Click the Add button to the right of Device so the “Add Device to Team” box appears.
Select a Device Name from the dropdown and click Add to add it to this team.
Select and add as many devices to the team that you want, devices can be a part of multiple teams.
When you are done adding devices, click Done.
To remove a device from a team:
Click the Delete button to the right of the Device Name of the device you want to remove.
Note: You can delete and re-add a device to a team as many times as you want if you accidentally delete a device from a team that you did not mean to.
Device Groups Tab: This is a list of all of the device groups that are visible to that team.
To add a device group to a team:
Click the Add button to the right of Device Groups so the “Add Device/Group to Team” box appears.
Select a Device Group Name from the dropdown and click Add to add it to this team.
Select and add as many device groups to the team that you want, device groups can be a part of multiple teams.
When you are done adding device groups, click Done.
To remove a device group from a team:
Click the Delete button to the right of the Device Group Name of the device group you want to remove.
Note: You can delete and re-add a device group to a team as many times as you want if you accidentally delete a device group from a team that you did not mean to.
Click Delete next to the Team Name you want to remove.
How to View or Edit Account Information
In the Account Manager, select the “Account” tab to view an overview of your account information:
ACCOUNT (Cannot be edited)
Name: This is the name of the account you are currently in.
Note: Multi-site managers will be able to click this name and select other accounts from a dropdown to switch between accounts.
Data URL: Not applicable to most accounts, used by Hypersign+ staff only.
ACCOUNT CONTACT (Can be edited)
The primary contact on the account is usually the billing contact.
First & Last Name: This is the first and last name of the primary contact on the account.
Email: This is the email address of the primary contact on the account.
Phone: This is the phone number of the primary contact on the account.
To edit the primary contact, click the Edit button in the top right, make your changes, and Save.
In the Account Manager, select the “Licenses” tab to view an overview of your license information:
Key: This is the license key that the system connects to a single player device. This key is for Hypersign+ staff use only.
Note: This is NOT your pairing code. To learn how to pair a device click here.
Available: Whether a license is currently allocated to a player device.
In Use By: If the license is not available, this will let you know which player device is using it.
Type: This lets you know if it’s a Player License, Alert License, etc.
Expires: The expiration date of the license.
Deallocate: This will remove the license from a player device to make it available again.
Note: Rather than deallocating here, we recommend you delete a player device instead.
How to Add or Remove Licenses From an Account
To add or remove licenses to your account, email our sales team at and provide:
Account Name
Number and Types of Licenses you are adding or License Keys you want removed
In the Account Manager, select the “Users Tab” and click the “Add New User” button at the top right of the screen so the “User Create” box appears:
USERNAME: This is the name they will use to login to Hypersign+.
Important Note: This cannot be changed, nor reused at a later time. So if you delete a user and try to re-create them, the same username cannot be used again.
First & Last Name: How their name will display within the account.
Email Address: Contact email used if support needs to contact the user.
Password & Confirm Password: This should be the same default password that you can provide the user for login to Hypersign+.
ROLES: This is the overarching role the user has within the account.
Media Manager: User will have access to the Asset Manager. They can upload, edit, delete, tag, and sort media assets, as well as create, edit, and delete Stack playlists.
Content Manager: User will have access to the Layout Manager. They can create, edit, save, manage, preview, and publish layouts for devices they have access to.
Device Manager: User will have access to the Device Manager. They can add, edit, delete player devices and device groups.
Account Manager: User will have access to the Account Manager. They can view licenses, add and edit user roles/permissions, set favorite URLs, manage emergency alert streams, manage integrations.
User: All users are Standard Users, this gives them general access to the Hypersign+ portal.
Account Administrator: User will have full access to Hypersign+, meaning they have the roles Media Manager, Content Manager, Device Manager and Account Manager.
Multi-Site Manager: User will have full access to Hypersign+, and be able to access all accounts associated with a particular organization.
Organizations are a group of accounts, so for example, the organization may be a University and then each account is a college or department within the University. So the Multi-Site Manager would be someone like an IT Manager who needs access to all the accounts.
PERMISSIONS: These are specific permissions the user has within each role.
Under each role, there are certain permissions you can check on and off. For example, if you want someone to be a media manager who adds media to the asset library, but cannot delete any media from the asset library, you should uncheck the “delete media” permission.
Click the Submit button to add your user.
How to Edit a User and
Manage User Roles
and Permissions
In the Account Manager, select the “Users Tab” and double-click the user you would like so the “User Create” box appears for editing:
Username: This is the name they will use to login to Hypersign+, it cannot be edited.
Important Note: This cannot be changed, nor reused at a later time. So if you delete a user and try to re-create them, the same username cannot be used again.
First & Last Name: Edit how their name will display within the account.
Email Address: Edit the contact email used if support needs to contact the user.
Password & Confirm Password: Change the password for login to Hypersign+.
ROLES: This is the overarching role the user has within the account.
Media Manager: User will have access to the Asset Manager. They can upload, edit, delete, tag, and sort media assets, as well as create, edit, and delete Stack playlists.
Content Manager: User will have access to the Layout Manager. They can create, edit, save, manage, preview, and publish layouts for devices they have access to.
Device Manager: User will have access to the Device Manager. They can add, edit, delete player devices and device groups.
Account Manager: User will have access to the Account Manager. They can view licenses, add and edit user roles/permissions, set favorite URLs, manage emergency alert streams, manage integrations.
User: All users are Standard Users, this gives them general access to the Hypersign+ portal.
Account Administrator: User will have full access to Hypersign+, meaning they have the roles Media Manager, Content Manager, Device Manager and Account Manager.
Multi-Site Manager: User will have full access to Hypersign+, and be able to access all accounts associated with a particular organization.
Organizations are a group of accounts, so for example, the organization may be a University and then each account is a college or department within the University. So the Multi-Site Manager would be someone like an IT Manager who needs access to all the accounts.
PERMISSIONS: These are specific permissions the user has within each role.
Under each role, there are certain permissions you can check on and off. For example, if you want someone to be a media manager who adds media to the asset library, but cannot delete any media from the asset library, you should uncheck the “delete media” permission.
Click the Submit button to save changes to the user.
Access the Account Manager by clicking “Account” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu, and click the “Favorite URLs” tab from the left menu.
Favorite URLs are links saved for various kinds of dropzone apps, so that you can access them at any time when you use a dropzone app in a layout.
Click the Add URL button, so the “New Favorite URL” box appears:
Friendly Name: Give your URL a name you can easily recall it by.
URL: Paste the URL link you want to save here.
Dropzone: Choose which dropzone this URL applies to.
Click Submit to save this Favorite URL.
Your favorite URL will now appear in your favorite URLs list.
Click the Delete button next to the Favorite URL you want to delete.
A confirmation window will appear, to confirm deletion click OK.
Your favorite URL will now be deleted from your favorite URLs list.
Note: Deletions cannot be undone, if you delete a favorite URL by accident you must re-add it.
At this time, you cannot edit existing favorite URLs, please Delete and Re-Add the URL.
Using the Device Manager
STEP ONE: Install Appropriate Software
Install the Software
Note: There is no need to put Hypersign™ in the start up folder because the app installation process will do it for you.
STEP TWO: Update PC Settings
Set screen saver to never come on.
Turn off all notifications.
Set the PC to auto login.
Set the PC to “never” for the following power settings:
– When plugged in, turn off – never.
– When plugged in, PC goes to sleep after – never.
STEP THREE: Launching & Pairing Hypersign™+
When you first launch the Hypersign™+ app you will be provided a (6) digital pairing code.
Login to the Hypersign™+ web portal and navigate to the device manager:
Once in the device manager, click the “Add New Device” button.
Insert the pairing code that was provided on the display.
Set the device resolution to match the Mac display settings.
Name the device, select license types, etc.
Once you click submit, a device card is automatic.
Now your Windows device is paired to your Hypersign™ account, and you can begin publishing your content immediately.
Note: The pairing code is only available for 30 minutes for security purposes and each device will have its own pairing code.
How To Add a New Player Device
In the Device Manager click the “Add New Device” button at the top right of the screen so the “Create Device” box appears:
Name: Give your device a short name (1-3 words).
Description: Give your device a description, this might be where it is located in the building or its purpose.
Device Type: Make sure your device type is “Player Device” in the dropdown.
Polling Interval: Set the polling interval – we recommend 15 by default, but 3 if you will be using this device for alerts. The polling interval is how often (in seconds) this player device will check the server for content updates.
Resolution Width and Resolution Height: Set the resolution width and height to exactly what the resolution width and height of the physical player hardware device is set to.
Common resolutions:HD horizontal display: 1920 width x 1080 height
HD vertical display: 1080 height x 1920 width
4K horizontal display: 3840 width x 2160 height
4K vertical display: 2160 width x 3840 height
Group Content Override: Check group content override if this device is going to be part of a group of player devices where their layouts will all be the same. If you do not want group layout content to override this individual player’s layout content, keep this box unchecked.
License Type: Check the box next to player license, and if you will be using this device for alerts make sure you also check the box next to alert license. Note: If you don’t see any licenses available, contact us to have more licenses applied to your account.
Click the Submit button to create your device.
How To Pair a Physical Player Device To a Player Device In Hypersign+
Complete these steps on your personal computer:
In the Device Manager locate the card for the player device you are trying to pair and click the “key” icon.
Note: If the device doesn’t exist in Hypersign+ yet, you will need to add a new player device first.
Once you click the “key” icon a 5 character pairing code will appear. Write this code down, and note that this code resets every 30 minutes so you will want to act quickly.
Complete these steps on your physical player device:
Launch the Hypersign+ app on your physical player device, and you will be prompted to enter a pairing code.
Note: If you haven’t installed Hypersign+ on your physical device yet, you will need to install Hypersign+ first.
Enter the pairing code you wrote down into the pairing screen that displays when you, and click Submit.
When your device is successfully paired, you will see a success graphic encouraging you to begin using Hypersign+!
In the Device Manager click the cog icon on the card for the player device you would like to edit. Click the “Edit” button at the bottom right of the card to access the editable fields:
Name: Edit your device name. We recommend a short name (1-3 words).
Description: Edit your device a description. We recommend this might be where it is located in the building or its purpose.
Resolution Width and Resolution Height: Edit the resolution width and height to exactly what the resolution width and height of the physical player hardware device is set as.
Common resolutions:HD horizontal display: 1920 width x 1080 height
HD vertical display: 1080 height x 1920 width
4K horizontal display: 3840 width x 2160 height
4K vertical display: 2160 width x 3840 height
Group Content Override:
Player – This individual player’s layout content will take priority over any group layout content if this player is part of a group.
Group – This player’s layout content will be the group layout content set for the group it’s associated with.
Polling Interval: Edit the polling interval – we recommend 15 by default, but 3 if you will be using this device for alerts. The polling interval is how often (in seconds) this player device will check the server for content updates.
Registered: This is the date this player device was created, and this date cannot be edited.
Click the Save button to update your device.
In the Device Manager locate the player device you would like to delete and click the “x” in the top right hand corner of its card.
Click the “Delete” button at the bottom right of the “Confirm Device Deletion” window to permanently delete that device. All licenses associated with that device will be deallocated automatically upon deletion.
Important: Device deletion cannot be undone. If you accidentally delete a device you will have to create a new device in Hypersign and re-pair the physical device to the new device in Hypersign+.
In the Device Manager click the “Groups” tab at the top left of the screen.
Click the “New Group” button at the top of the left hand menu.
A name box will appear right under the New Group button:
Name: Give your device group a short name (1-3 words).
Click the Save button to create your device group.
How To Edit An Existing Device Group
In the Device Manager click the “Groups” tab at the top left of the screen.
Click the ‘+’ button next to any devices you want to add to the group.
Click the ‘-‘ button next to any devices you want to remove from the group.
How To Delete a Device Group
In the Device Manager click the “Groups” tab at the top left of the screen.
Click the “Cog” icon under the name of the group you want to delete.
A settings box will appear right under Group name, click the Delete Group button.
This deletes the group and removes any player devices associated with that group back to available devices.
Using The Asset Manager
Asset Manager Overview
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Functions available in the Asset Manager:
- Uploading a Media File into Hypersign+ (Image, Video or PowerPoint)
- Organizing Media Asset Library with Tags
- Sorting Media Asset Library Alphabetically, by File Size, or by Date Added
- Create and Edit a Stack Playlist
- Delete Media File or Stack Playlist from Asset Library
- Sharing Media Across an Account
How to upload a media file (image, video or powerpoint)
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
You can add media to your assets library:
Drag and drop files on the gray box that says “Drop Files Here!”
Click “Select Files” button to browse for the file you want to upload.
Your media file will now be uploaded to the assets library and will be available for use in the Layout Manager.
Multiple files can upload at one time, but the upload may take longer. Do not close your web portal until the upload is complete.
If you are uploading a PowerPoint file, please note that it will take some time to convert before being added to your library. Please do not repeatedly add the same PowerPoint file, if you do it will bog down the conversion queue and Hypersign will be delayed in converting any PowerPoint files.
How to Use Media Asset Tagging to Organize Your Asset Library
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Tagging is a feature you can use to quickly organize your asset library.
Hover over an asset and click the Tag icon. The “Manage Tags” window (for that asset) will appear:
Type in a Tag name (we recommend a single word) and click Add to add the tag for that asset.
Delete a Tag associated with that asset by clicking the Delete button underneath that Tag name.
You can have 25 Tags maximum per asset.
Click Close when you are done managing your tags for that asset.
Now when you search for assets, “Suggested Tags” will appear under the search bar that match Tag names in your Tag Manager. Click the “Suggested Tag” to add it to your search criteria.
You can search multiple tags or keywords at once to narrow down your search to a specific asset.
Important Note: Tagging searches will narrow down the search based on assets that match
ALL criteria in the search bar. Therefore, if you search a tag called “Emergency” and a tag called “Fire” it will only return assets that have BOTH “Emergency” and “Fire” as tags, not one or the other.
If you want to delete a Tag across all assets at once, Click the Tag icon located left of the search bar. The “Manage Tags” window (for all assets) will appear:
Delete a Tag associated with all assets by clicking the Delete button underneath that Tag name.
Click Close when you are done managing your tags for that asset.
How to Sort Your Asset Library Alphabetically, by File Size, or By Date
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
You have the option to sort your asset library:
Alphabetically (descending and ascending)
By File Size (descending and ascending)
By Date Added (descending and ascending)
Click the Sort button to the right of the Search bar, and choose one of the above sort options.
Your asset library will sort accordingly.
This same feature is also available in the Layout Manager when viewing your asset library there at the bottom of the screen.
How to Create & Edit a Stack Playlist
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu, and click the “Stacks” tab at the top left of the screen.
Click the New Stack button.
Name your Stack when the box appears under the New Stack button, and click the Save button.
The new Stack will now appear in the Stack list on the left and in your Asset Library.
Click the name of the Stack from the list on the left to work on that Stack in the playlist editor.
Drag media from the Assets Library at the bottom into the slots on the Stack.
Drag supported Dropzone Apps from the bottom right into the slots on the Stack.
All video and PowerPoint Files will automatically adjust to the duration of the file.
All images and non-video files display for 00:15 seconds by default. To adjust this display duration, click the timestamp number at the top left of the asset, adjust the time, and click enter on your keyboard.
Note: For most digital signage images we recommend a duration of 8 seconds depending on the location of your signage: If your signage is in an area that most people are passing by, 8 seconds is quick enough to allow them to see multiple items in the stack but also gather enough information about what they just saw. If your signage is in a waiting room or lobby with high dwell times, then it would make sense for durations to be longer.
Click Save button under your stack information when you are done adding media.
Click the name of the Stack from the list on the left to work on that Stack in the playlist editor.
Drag media or Dropzone apps into the slots on the Stack either before or between existing media, or at the end of the Stack playlist.
To adjust the display duration of an image or non-video file, click the timestamp number at the top left of the asset, adjust the time, and click enter on your keyboard.
Click and drag existing assets within the Stack playlist editor to different locations to rearrange the playlist order.
Delete assets from a Stack by clicking the x in the top right corner of that asset within the Stack playlist editor.
Click Save button under your stack information when you are done editing.
Click the Preview button under your stack information to preview how the Stack playlist will play. This is helpful for determining if you need to adjust timestamp durations.
Select the checkbox next to “Just Me” if this Stack can only be edited by your user account.
Select the checkbox next to “Everyone” if this Stack can be edited by any user with media access on the account.
Click Save button under your stack once you’ve selected the appropriate permissions.
Inside the Stack Editor delete all media from the Stack by clicking the x’s in the top right corner of each asset in the Stack.
Click Save button under your stack once you’ve selected the appropriate permissions.
Return to the Asset Library by clicking the Media tab at the top left of the screen.
The Stack will appear in the Asset Library, if you cannot immediately see it try searching the keyword Stacks or the name of the stack.
Hover over the Stack and click the x in the top right corner.
Confirm that you would like to delete by clicking the Delete button.
Important Notes:
Saving a Stack will not automatically update it on your layout, you will need to go to the Layout Manager and republish that device.
How to Delete a Media File or Stack Playlist From Your Asset Library
Access the Assets Manager by clicking “Assets” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
You can delete media from your assets library in two ways:
Delete a Single Media File/Stack:
Hover over the media file you want to delete.
Click the x in the top right corner of the media asset when it appears.
A box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete.
Click Delete button to delete the asset.
If you get a message saying the asset cannot be deleted, you will need to remove it from any published device or device group layouts.
Delete Multiple Media Files and/or Stacks:
Click all the media files or stacks you would like to delete, so that an orange selection box appears around each file.
At the bottom right of the screen click the red Delete Selected button.
A box will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete.
Click Delete button to delete the media assets.
All media assets that could be deleted will be, and any media assets that could not be delete will remain in the library. You can attempt to individually delete each asset that remains to determine where it is published, that way you will be able to remove it from any published device or device group layouts and attempt deleting it again.
Click the Submit button to add your user.
How to Share Media Assets Across Multiple Accounts
In order to use this feature you are required to have a Dropbox account.
Complete these steps in your Dropbox Account:
Create a new shared folder named or containing the word “Hypersign”
Share this folder with anyone you would like, but it must be shared with at least one person.
Note: The one person can even be yourself if you want.
Upload videos and images to this folder, and Hypersign+ will process them. Hypersign+ will also process any video and image files located in subfolders within that folder. However, the organizational folder structure will not be maintained into Hypersign+.
Recommendation: Only place media assets you want actively used within this folder, even if you create a subfolder called “Old” or “Archived” those assets will still show up in Hypersign+.
Complete these steps within the Hypersign+ Web Portal:
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Click the “Dropbox” tab in the bottom section where you normally access your Hypersign+ assets.
A Shared Media Box will appear:
Since Dropbox is the only supported shared media at this time, go ahead and click Submit.
Login to your Dropbox Account.
Note: If you are already logged into Dropbox in your browser, it may skip this step and log you in automatically.
Logout of Hypersign and log back in so these credentials take effect.
May take up to one-hour for these assets to load, but typically it’s only 5-minutes.
Important Notes regarding Shared Media:
PowerPoint is not supported and must be uploaded manually into Hypersign+ for conversion to take place.
Shared Media is only available in the Layout Manager, meaning Shared Media cannot be used in a Stack Playlist, nor with the tagging feature and therefore Smart Playlist app.
media to the asset library, but cannot delete any media from the asset library, you should uncheck the “delete media” permission.
Click the Submit button to save changes to the user.
Using the Layout Manager
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Functions available in the Layout Manager:
Creating and Publishing a Layout for a Display or Group of Displays
Editing and Publishing a Layout for a Display or Group of Displays
Using Dropzone Applications in a Layout for a Display or Group of Displays
Previewing Layout Content
Saving Layout Design Templates
Loading/Using Saved Layout Design Templates
Managing Saved Layout Design Templates
Schedule a Layout for a Device or Device Group
Edit a Layout Schedule for a Device or Device Group
Delete a Layout Schedule for a Device or Device Group
Setting up Emergency Alert Messaging Triggers
Setting up Emergency Alert Messaging Layout Content
Sharing Media Across an Account
How to create & publish a layout for a device or device group
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are creating a layout for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are creating a layout for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Once in the correct tab, click the layout icon under the device you would like to create a layout for.
Select the layout template you would like to use from the top right menu:
If your display is in horizontal (or landscape) orientation, choose a layout from the “Horizontal” tab.
If your display is in vertical (or portrait) orientation, choose a layout from the “Vertical” tab.
Once you select a template, the display preview will update with that template – The dotted lines represent different dropzones that can hold content assets or applications.
Note: The dropzones will automatically be calculated to size based on the resolution you’ve entered for your display, but the display preview will show an 16:9 (9:16 if vertical) aspect ratio by default.
From the assets library, or dropbox shared library, at the bottom of the screen:
Add an image as the background by clicking and dragging an asset to the corner of the display preview so that the background expands out and you see a glowing orange outline, then release.
Add assets or apps by dragging and dropping content into the dropzones on your display preview.
Once you have the display preview the way you would like you can:
PREVIEW: Click the Preview button to preview how the content will look on your display.
SAVE LAYOUT: Click the Save button to save this layout to your Saved Layouts to use on other displays or by other teams at any time. Saving a layout does not publish it to the display.
PUBLISH: Click the Publish button to immediately publish the content to the display.
Note: If you do not save or publish a layout, your layout will be lost.
How to determine the dropzone sizes in a layout template for designing content
How to Edit a Layout For a Device
or Device Group
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are creating a layout for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are creating a layout for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Once in the correct tab, click the layout icon under the device you would like to create a layout for.
Select the layout template you would like to use from the top right menu:
If your display is in horizontal (or landscape) orientation, choose a layout from the “Horizontal” tab.
If your display is in vertical (or portrait) orientation, choose a layout from the “Vertical” tab.
Once you select a template, the display preview will update with that template – The dotted lines represent different dropzones that can hold content assets or applications.
Note: The dropzones will automatically be calculated to size based on the resolution you’ve entered for your display, but the display preview will show an 16:9 (9:16 if vertical) aspect ratio by default.
From the assets library, or dropbox shared library, at the bottom of the screen:
Add an image as the background by clicking and dragging an asset to the corner of the display preview so that the background expands out and you see a glowing orange outline, then release.
Add assets or apps by dragging and dropping content into the dropzones on your display preview.
Once you have the display preview the way you would like you can:
PREVIEW: Click the Preview button to preview how the content will look on your display.
SAVE LAYOUT: Click the Save button to save this layout to your Saved Layouts to use on other displays or by other teams at any time. Saving a layout does not publish it to the display.
PUBLISH: Click the Publish button to immediately publish the content to the display.
Note: If you do not save or publish a layout, your layout will be lost.
How to Use Dropzone Apps in a Layout
Dropzone Applications or Dropzone Apps are special content integrations you can use to quickly add content from Hypersign+ or third-party sources.
Follow the same instructions you would to create and publish any layout.
From the dropzone app menu, at the bottom-right of the screen:
Drag and drop the dropzone you would like to use into the dropzone you would like to use it in and choose the settings appropriate to that Dropzone.
How to Preview a Layout Before
You Publish
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Build a layout as you normally would – See Creating and Publishing a Layout for Display for help.
Click the Preview button at the top of the screen to open a new window that will display a preview of how the content will look on your display.
Note: Clicking preview will not save or publish your layout, if you navigate away from the Layout Manager before saving or publishing, your work will be lost.
Click the Save button to create your device group.
How to Save a Layout Template
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Click a device (or device group) and create a layout as you normally would.
Either before or after you click Publish, click the Save button that is to the right of Publish and Preview buttons.
The “Save Layouts” box will appear:
Name: Give your layout a name.
Click Submit button.
Your layout is saved and now ready to use again!
How to Load a Saved Layout Template
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Click a device (or device group) and create a layout as you normally would.
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Click the device you would like to load a layout to.
Click the Layouts button that is to the right of Publish, Preview, and Save buttons in the top menu.
The “Manage/Load Layouts” box will appear:
Click the Load button next to the saved layout you would like to use.
This saved layout will now load in the layout editor, click Publish to publish to this device.
Either before or after you click Publish, click the Save button that is to the right of Publish and Preview buttons.
The “Save Layouts” box will appear:
Name: Give your layout a name.
Click Submit button.
Your layout is saved and now ready to use again!
How to Manage Saved Layout Templates
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
Click the Layouts button that is to the right of Publish, Preview, and Save buttons in the top menu.
The “Manage/Load Layouts” box will appear:
Locate the layout you would like to manage sharing permissions.
Click the dropdown for that layout under the “Sharing” column.
Account if it’s available to the entire account.
Only Me if it’s only available to your username.
This layout now has updated access!
Click the Layouts button that is to the right of Publish, Preview, and Save buttons in the top menu.
The “Manage/Load Layouts” box will appear:
Click the Delete button next to the saved layout you would like to remove.
Note: Be sure you are positive you are deleting the correct layout, there is no confirmation and this deletion cannot be undone.
Your saved layout is now deleted!
Click a device (or device group) and create a layout as you normally would.
Either before or after you click Publish, click the Save button that is to the right of Publish and Preview buttons.
The “Save Layouts” box will appear:
Name: Click this box and choose the existing save layout name from the dropdown.
Click Submit button.
Your saved layout design is now updated!
How to Schedule a Layout For a Device or Device Group
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are scheduling a layout for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are scheduling a layout for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Click the calendar icon under the device or device group you want to schedule a layout for, and click the Calendar View button to access the scheduler.
In the scheduler, double click the time block you want to schedule to start in, an “Event” box will appear:
Title: Give your layout schedule a meaningful title. We recommend 1-3 words.
Start: Enter the exact date and time you want the schedule to begin.
End: Enter the exact date and time you want the schedule to end.
All day event: Check this box if you want this schedule to automatically be set for the full 24 hour day.
Note: You cannot create an “all day” schedule for the current day, it must be for the next day.
Repeat: Choose whether you want your schedule to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
Daily – The schedule will occur every single day at the scheduled time frame.
Weekly – The schedule will occur each week, at the scheduled time frame on the selected week days.
Monthly – The schedule will occur each month, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the month.
Annually – The schedule will occur each year, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the year.
Note: We currently do not offer any options for less than daily repetitions, meaning you cannot schedule a layout to show up every hour.
End Repeat: You can choose to have the repeated schedule continue forever by selecting “Never”, or end the repeated schedule after a selected number of occurrences or after a particular date has past.
Description: Optionally enter a brief description about this schedule so that others know why it was set up and what it is for.
Click Save.
You will automatically be taken to the Layout Manager to set up the layout design for that schedule:
Once your layout is designed, click Publish.
How to Edit a Schedule For a Layout For
a Device or Device Group
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are editing the scheduled layout for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are editing the scheduled layout for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Once in the appropriate tab, click the calendar icon under the device or device group you want to edit the layout schedule for, and you will see a list of scheduled layouts for that device.
Note: If you do not see any schedules listed, you have no current schedules for that device and will need to Create a Layout Schedule.
Click the layout icon next to the schedule you are trying to edit, and it will allow you to edit your layout design and publish.
Click the View Calendar button to open the scheduler.
Double click on the schedule you want to adjust, (if it’s a recurring schedule, click the Edit Series button), and the event box will appear.
Make any adjustments to your schedule:
Title: Give your layout schedule a meaningful title. We recommend 1-3 words.
Start: Enter the exact date and time you want the schedule to begin.
End: Enter the exact date and time you want the schedule to end.
All day event: Check this box if you want this schedule to automatically be set for the full 24 hour day.
Note: You cannot create an “all day” schedule for the current day, it must be for the next day.
Repeat: Choose whether you want your schedule to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
Daily – The schedule will occur every single day at the scheduled time frame.
Weekly – The schedule will occur each week, at the scheduled time frame on the selected week days.
Monthly – The schedule will occur each month, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the month.
Annually – The schedule will occur each year, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the year.
Note: We currently do not offer any options for less than daily repetitions, meaning you cannot schedule a layout to show up every hour.
End Repeat: You can choose to have the repeated schedule continue forever by selecting “Never”, or end the repeated schedule after a selected number of occurrences or after a particular date has past.
Description: Optionally enter a brief description about this schedule so that others know why it was set up and what it is for.
When you have made your adjustments click Save to just save the schedule itself OR click Save and Continue to save the schedule and update the layout design.
You will automatically be taken to the Layout Manager to set up the layout design for that schedule:
Once your layout is designed, click Publish.
How to Delete a Layout Schedule For a Device or Device Group
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are deleting the scheduled layout for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are deleting the scheduled layout for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Click the calendar icon under the device or device group you want to edit the layout schedule for, and you will see a list of scheduled layouts for that device.
Click the View Calendar button to open the scheduler.
Hover over the schedule you want to delete with your mouse and click the ‘x’ in the top right hand corner for the schedule block.
Confirm that you would like to delete that schedule or schedule series.
How to Set a Schedule For Energy Saving Mode (Eclipse) For Your Display
Access the Layout Manager by clicking “Layouts” from the Hypersign+ navigation menu.
If you are scheduling eclipse for a single player device, make sure you have selected the “Devices” tab from the top left menu.
If you are scheduling eclipse for a device group, make sure you have selected the “Groups” tab from the top left menu.
Click the calendar icon under the device or device group you want to schedule eclipse for, and click the Calendar View button to access the scheduler.
In the scheduler, double click the time block you want to the eclipse schedule to start in, and an “Event” box will appear:
Title: Give your eclipse schedule a meaningful title. We recommend keeping it simple like “Power Off”
Start: Enter the exact date and time you want the eclipse schedule to begin.
End: Enter the exact date and time you want the eclipse schedule to end.
All day event: Check this box if you want this eclipse schedule to automatically be set for the full 24 hour day.
Note: You cannot create an “all day” eclipse schedule for the current day, it must be for the next day.
Repeat: Choose whether you want your eclipse schedule to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
Daily – The eclipse schedule will occur every single day at the scheduled time frame.
Weekly – The eclipse schedule will occur each week, at the scheduled time frame on the selected week days.
Monthly – The eclipse schedule will occur each month, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the month.
Annually – The eclipse schedule will occur each year, at the scheduled time frame on the selected day of the year.
Note: We currently do not offer any options for less than daily repetitions, meaning you cannot schedule eclipse hourly.
End Repeat: You can choose to have the repeated eclipse schedule continue forever by selecting “Never”, or end the repeated eclipse schedule after a selected number of occurrences or after a particular date has past.
Description: Optionally enter a brief description about this schedule so that others know why it was set up and what it is for.
Click Eclipse, not Save.
Double click the Eclipse schedule to open the event box to edit your schedule.
Remember to Click Save, not Save and Continue.
Hover over the eclipse schedule and click the ‘x’ in the top right corner.
Confirm you want to delete the schedule to delete it.
How to Set up Emergency Alert Triggers
These are connected to your fire alarm system or other emergency system via an IPG device.
Contact us for assistance with setting these up, hardware required.
These are activated and deactivated by an android or windows tablet. Tablet hardware required.
1. Setup your tablet as a device within the Hypersign+ web portal:
Navigate to the Device Manager and click the Add New Device button at the top right of the screen so the “Create Device” box appears:
Name: Give your device a short name (1-3 words).
Description: Give your device a description, in this case probably its alert trigger purpose.
Device Type: Make sure your device type is “Tablet Device” in the dropdown.
Polling Interval: Set the polling interval to 3 seconds (this is mandatory for emergency regulations).
Resolution Width and Resolution Height: Set the resolution width and height to exactly the resolution width and height of the tablet device.
Group Content Override: Keep this box unchecked.
License Type: Check the box next to player license, and DO NOT check the box for alert license.
Note: If you don’t see any licenses available, contact us to have more licenses applied to your account.
Click the Submit button to create your tablet device.
Click the key icon on the tablet device card to get your Pairing Code, write this down somewhere.
Note: The key will only last for 30 minutes, so you might want to complete step 2 before getting your pairing code.
2. Download the appropriate software onto your tablet itself:
3. Launch Hypersign on your Tablet and enter the pairing code you wrote down in the final step of step 1.
4. Back on your computer, in the Hypersign+ web portal navigate to the Layout Manager:
Make sure you are in the “Devices” tab.
Click the layout icon under the tablet device you set up as a trigger.
Select the Horizontal full-screen layout.
Drag the Soft Trigger Alert icon onto the full-screen dropzone and drop.
An “Alert Soft Switch” Box will appear.
There are 4 Alert Soft Trigger slots that correspond to the 4 Alert Trigger Layout slots:
If a hard trigger is already set up, skip that soft trigger or make sure it’s the same trigger type as the hard trigger. For example: If Alert 1 is setup with your fire alarm system, make sure Alert 1 on your soft tablet is also “Fire.”
Choose the emergency type from the dropdowns for each Alert Trigger.
Click Submit.
Your device preview will populate with the trigger buttons you selected.
Click Publish.
Your tablet should update within 3 seconds showing your soft triggers.
Continue to: Setting up Emergency Alert Layout Content
These are CAP or RAV streams that will activate automatically when an emergency is entered to the stream.
Within the Hypersign+ web portal:
Navigate to the Account Manager and click the Alert Streams tab from the left hand menu:
Click the Add Feed button to open the “Alert Streams” box.
Name: Give your feed a meaningful name. We recommend 1-3 words.
URL: Enter the CAP or RAV url.
Note: This feature does not work for standard RSS feeds, they must be CAP or RAV feeds.
Click Submit.
Your emergency messaging will automatically activate anytime there is information in that feed. To ensure it’s only activated during specific types of emergencies, you can add Alert Tags:
Click the Add Tag button to open the “Alert Tags” box.
Name: Give your group of alert tags a meaningful name. We recommend 1-3 words.
Keywords: Provide keywords from that stream that you want to act as triggers. Separate each keyword by a comma.
Note: This means when a keyword is recognized, the emergency layout content will activate, otherwise it will remain off even if there is information in the stream.
Example: Keywords are helpful for a Weather Feed if you have a lot of Lighting Warnings that you don’t necessarily want to alert your patrons about, but of course you do want to alert them about Tornados or Hurricanes in the area.
Click Submit.
Note: You can have an unlimited number of feeds and tags, but all tags will be associated with all feeds set up. Therefore, if you have two types of weather feeds, all weather related tags will be applied to both.
To Delete a Stream or Tag, simply click the Delete button to the right of the stream or tag name.
How to Set Up Emergency Alert
Layout Content
Navigate to the Layout Manager and click the Alert Icon under the player device you want to setup alert content for.
Note: If you do not see the alert icon under your player device, you need to add an alert license to that device. How do I add a license to a device?
When the “Alert” box opens, you will see four Alert Triggers and four Streams Triggers.
The four Alert Triggers can be used for hard and soft triggers, but please note that you are limited to four total.
Click the “+” next to any of the four Alert Triggers to begin setting up a layout for that device.
The Layout title will change at the top left of the screen, indicating what layout you are working on:
To create a new layout, choose a layout template and drag and drop content into the dropzones to create your emergency message.
We recommend showing directional information toward nearest exits to that display, and an indication for the type of emergency.
Optionally, click Save to save this Alert Layout as a template to be used on other player devices.
Click Publish to save your Alert Layout to that Alert Trigger.
Click Manage to see a list of previously saved Alert Layout Template, click Load next to the one you’d like to use.
Make any adjustments to the Layout (if necessary).
Click Publish to save your Alert Layout to that Alert Trigger.
Navigate to the Layout Manager and click the Alert Icon under the player device you want to setup alert content for.
Note: If you do not see the alert icon under your player device, you need to add an alert license to that device. How do I add a license to a device?
When the “Alert” box opens, you will see four Alert Triggers and four Streams Triggers.
Please note that you are limited to the four Stream Triggers.
Click the “+” next to any of the four Stream Triggers to begin setting up a layout for that device.
The Layout title will change at the top left of the screen, indicating what layout you are working on:
To create a new layout, choose a layout template. We recommend full screen for high readability of the stream information, but any dropzone will work.
Drag and drop the emergency alert stream dropzone app into the desired dropzone and an
“Alert Stream” box will appear:Select any Alert Feeds by marking the checkbox next to the feed name(s).
Select an Alert Tags by marking the checkbox next to the tag name(s).
Click Submit.
Drag and drop any other content into the dropzones to create your emergency message.
We recommend showing directional information toward nearest exits to that display, but keep in mind that the Stream will provide any details included in that Stream regarding the emergency.
Optionally, click Save to save this Stream Layout as a template to be used on other player devices.
Click Publish to save your Alert Layout to that Stream Trigger.
Click Manage to see a list of previously saved Stream Layout Template, click Load next to the one you’d like to use.
Make any adjustments to the Layout (if necessary).
Click Publish to save your Stream Layout to that Alert Trigger.
Note: It’s extremely important that you use the Emergency Alert Stream Dropzone App when setting up a Stream Trigger. This is how the display knows to change to this Stream Layout in the event that an emergency is identified within that stream. If you do not set this up properly, your displays will not switch automatically in the event of an emergency.