Turning Whiteboard Brainstorms into Actionable Items for Team Meetings
Creativity shouldn’t be kept in a box. That’s why we love the freedom and flexibility of a physical whiteboard! While virtual collaborative project platforms, like Miro or Stormboard, are great tools for syncing virtual teams, there’s no better way to grow ideas and discover the future of your organization like a tactile creative space. The best part? There’s innovative workplace technology out there that can take the creativity of physical whiteboarding and create a live source for virtual team collaboration, like Jabra (international AV tech giant) and the PanaCast 50 intelligent video bar.
Although the immediacy and instant gratification of a physical whiteboard in your meeting space can give way to innovations of thought, the actual implementation of ideas is rarely thought-out or, you know, completed.
We want your team to grow and fulfill your greatest potential. That’s why we’re sharing these steps to redefining your team meetings and turning your whiteboard brainstorms into actionable items:
1. Chaos to coordination.
The freedom and flexibility of whiteboard collaboration allows you to physically space out your ideas while immediately changing and rearranging text and graphics. But what happens when your whiteboarding gets too out of hand? To get the most out of your whiteboarding session, try giving yourself an allotted amount of time to draw out your brainstorms. After your time is up, review what you’ve started and reorganize your team’s work and separate it by a theme. Then, repeat the process! Soon enough, you’ll be working out problems like a champ!
2. Prioritize when you organize.
We all know how easy it is to say that one idea is more important to tackle than others, but undiscovered potential is lost when ideas are taken at face value. When looking at your whiteboard brainstorms, take apart each theme that you’ve created and write down the potential tasks needed to turn the idea into reality. Then, when looking at your tasks, see what needs the most attention and make that your team’s goal. Other less-involved tasks can be delegated across team members for optimal productivity.
3. Create a realistic timeline.
Sometimes you just have to accept that things will never work out when you want them too. Trust us, we know how easily ideas can go off the rails, especially when you don’t have the appropriate amount of time to complete the work. It’s not hard to get overly-excited about an idea and then set an aggressive timeline to get it done. Although completing projects in short amounts of time is great, it can often lead to unattainable expectations on your team. When you are creating tasks for your whiteboard brainstorms, set up milestones for each task and ask your team members for their input on the timeline.
4. Assign visual cues.
Your whiteboard strategizing is meant to showcase and coordinate your ideas, not show off your design skills. Even though you may not be a classical artist (and if you are, good for you!), you can still apply some simple visual cues to help organize your ideas. Try assigning your ideas with similar themes a specific color marker to better visualize your train of thought. You can also use specific shapes as containers around your ideas to designate items to teams and members. That way you have pre-determined lists when turning ideas to actions!
Once you’re able to organize the mass of creativity that bursts out of brainstorming, you’ll be able to create simple and achievable tasks for your team! With these steps, your team collaboration can go from unproductive discussions to enlightening sessions!
For more information on how Hypersign.com can help transform your collaboration, click here.
To learn more about Jabra’s whiteboard-capturing Intelligent Video Bar, click here.